Life In The Hive

Posts Tagged ‘Sicko’

The Health Care Rant *Updated*

In Health on February 26, 2010 at 4:53 pm

Yesterday, I was all prepared for the live health care discussion. I had pre-read (skimmed) over the 11 page document that was posted on the White House website. After a few hours, I turned the channel feeling no different from before I tuned in. Nervous. I really don’t know what is going to happen from this point. I thought both sides had great ideas, but overall I am so afraid that nothing will happen and it will remain what it is a “discussion”. I am trying to remain hopeful, but with so many people without health care when does discussion turn into execution?

I haven’t had health care since I was little girl. As an adult, I have no idea what is like to co-pay and deal with medical expenses. For me to go to the doctor I would have to literally be on my death bed, six breathes away from dying and even then knowing me I will debate whether to go or not.

As I am getting older and my body is changing there is a definite need for it. In my past lines of work, I could have bought insurance. There was also the need for me to have lights, car, food and other necessities. I am only one woman and couldn’t do everything alone.

It’s scary  to think as I age, I will have to wait to receive Medicare or Medicaid to go to the doctor. I have had two discussions with senior citizens about how happy they were to receive Medicare. Just the other day at my mom’s birthday party, my mom and aunt were showing each other their membership cards. Gloating. Is that going to be me? Hoping all my health problems can wait till I am 65?  By that time, who knows what the state of the already super-messed-up-health care system will be.

I have been fortunate enough not to have been majorly sick and even more blessed with excellent research skills. Any symptoms I may have I Google, diagnose myself, and buy the according medicine. Is it dangerous? Of course. Could I be wrong? Absolutely. What choice do I have? Go to the doctor? Not an option. Besides, I have learned more about natural remedies, herbs, spices, juices and berries in the past few years that I wouldn’t have known other wise. And besides, after seeing Michael Moore’s movie “Sicko”, I refuse to choose which fingers I like best or use the most. They are my fingers, I want them all!

What baffles me even more, is the opponents. I have heard people who DON’T have health care argue against it . What?  Mumbling about the deficit. Here’s an honest statement. No one cares about the deficit. It has been skyrocketing for years and no one loses a nights sleep over it. Seriously.

However, you will lose a night sleep trying to diagnose your aches and pains yourself. At least I have. I hope this health care “discussion” turns into an actual executed plan or else I am buying stock in every search engine in the world. Why not? It helps me be my own doctor.